
From MWP Wiki

Fibermc is a website focused on tracking Fabric mods and making it easier for players to find Fabric mods.

Name Fibermc
Categories Website
Author JP7 and contributors et. al.
Latest version v2022-3-21 (for Minecraft 1.14 Snapshot+)
Mod Loader Fabric
Fibermc Homepage
Fibermc About Page
Fibermc showcasing categories
Fibermc Table view
Fibermc using search bar
Separate People feature
Separate People Tag Visible and Showing People/First Person Listed On Each Platform For The Project
AND and NOT category filter option, the green and red are more visible in the list form than the bunched up form that while they display AND and NOT they do not have the outline on them
Showing what Curseforge only, Modrinth only and available on both looks like

Original page was created on the FTB Wiki and ported over. Credit goes to SuntannedDuck2 for creation and contribution to the original. The porting to Modding Wiki Project was done by SuntannedDuck2.

The current support for the website allows for searching, selecting categories, a table view or list view, a theme change button and more.

The listings on the site are able to be selected and direct users to the Curseforge pages related to the Fabric mods listed.

As of 21/03/2022 the list was updated and Modrinth support along with AND/NOT among other tweaks have been added over time. The AND/NOT feature is where the site has an AND or NOT option to filter out what categories of mods are or are not visible in the listed projects.

The About Page states:

FiberMC is a free, searchable list of all Fabric mods listed on CurseForge. It does not host or redistribute any mod files. All mod listings link back to the mod's CurseForge page.

A direct quote from the creator about if Github and Modrinth will be supported:

The current list consists of every mod on CurseForge marked with the Fabric category. Ideally, I'd like to keep this site mostly automated, although I may add a way to submit mods that are not listed on Modrinth or CurseForge for whatever reason (ex: GitHub only).

A request for Glass Repo support has been made allowing for Cursed Fabric mods to be listed, this support will be considered after Modrinth support has been added.

Will look into this after Modrinth support is done. Thanks for showing me this exists :)

External links